Thursday 5 January 2012

Republic Day Parade

Republic Day is one of the national holidays of India celebrates January 26 each year. He is considered one of the most important days in Indian history, India has adopted the Constitution of India and became a sovereign, democratic and the Republic on this day in 1950. The day is honored and celebrated with joy, enthusiasm, splendor and magnificence. The whole nation is engaged in the true spirit of patriotism by singing and playing patriotic songs and organize cultural programs. However, the main event takes place at the Rajpath in New Delhi, the capital of India. People gather in large numbers at the Gateway of India to see the magnificent parade. The parade is any television show live on national television. Read on to know the main highlights of the Republic Day parade held each year.
Republic Day Parade in New Delhi
The day begins with the Prime Minister will lay a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti to commemorate the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the nation. This memorial is located at India Gate at one end of Rajpath. Two minutes of silence was observed in memory of unknown soldiers. The Prime Minister is then led to the main stage at Rajpath, where he was joined by the president and other dignitaries. The President then deploys the Indian flag is immediately followed by the national anthem. It is then accompanied by the Head of State or Government honorable of a foreign country as the guest of honor. Soon after, a 21-gun salute is presented.
The President comes forward to award the medals for bravery, as Ashok Chakra and Kirti Chakra for people who have demonstrated exceptional excellence in their respective fields. This marks the beginning of the parade by the three regiments of the Armed Forces, namely Army, Navy and Air Force. Dressed in their finery and official decorations, past the soldiers in March, bringing their weapons, to the President as a gesture of respect for the leader. The president, who serves as commander of the Indian Armed Forces, takes walks and salvation. Prize winners as of bravery to go through open jeeps. Children, who have won a national award for bravery, through elephants.
The parade continues with the Indian Army presents its latest acquisitions, namely, tanks, missiles, radars, helicopters and so different from the Indian Air Force fly past the parade with their waterfalls and a shower of rose petals on the public- below. The military parade is followed by a colorful parade of culture. Various boards of India's rich cultural heritage of different states, each representing its unique location, art and festivals. This section of the parade adds to the celebration of the occasion by presenting the diversity and richness of Indian culture.
Various ministries and departments also display their paintings display new inventions and developments for the country's progress. It is then followed by regional tables, each region with its culture and heritage. School children perform various folk dances from all over India on patriotic songs. This is followed by screens dangerous and exciting bike rides by skilled personnel of the armed forces. Last but not least, jets and fighter planes of Indian Air Force fly over the parade symbolically salute the President of this, traditionally, the conclusion of Republic Day parade. The parade marches along the India Gate and ends at the Red Fort in the walled city of Old Delhi.

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