Thursday 5 January 2012

Republic Day Celebrations

              Republic Day Celebrations

Republic Day is a national holiday that is celebrated every year with great zeal and enthusiasm. The Constitution of India was executed January 26, 1950 marked a historic moment in Indian history. So this day is celebrated with great joy, pride and strength across the country such as India also declared a sovereign, democratic, and of the Republic in this very day. The day calls in big celebrations, which are evident from the massive parades, cultural programs, the recitation of patriotic poems and singing patriotic songs and playing everywhere. While each Indian state has its celebrations, but the capital city of New Delhi witnessed a parade to India Gate, near the presidential palace. Read on to learn more about Republic Day in New Delhi.
How is celebrated Republic Day
The Prime Minister shall lay a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti in the early morning to honor the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the nation. Two minutes of silence was observed in their memory and Prime Minister moves forward on the main stage at Rajpath. The President joins him / her there with the Guest of Honour and other dignitaries. The guest of honor is usually the head of state or government of a foreign nation. President hoisted the flag, and soon, the national anthem is played. This is followed by a 21-gun salute.
The parade begins with the regiments of the armed forces past the President. All three regiments, which is the Army, Navy and Air Force dress in their best uniforms and official in March finely. The commander of the Indian armed forces, that is, the president is the salvation that the passage by the regiment. The parade also includes people of armed forces and civilians who have shown exceptional courage and distinguished themselves in various acts of heroism in different situations. The military parade is followed by a lively and colorful parade of regional tables.
Cultural and folk dances are also part of the parade, where the students sing and dance to patriotic songs. The parade ends with jets and fighter jets flying past parade symbolically saluting the President. The parade is telecast live on national television, allowing the entire nation to see. Finally, the crowd rose as the national anthem is played. However, this is not the end of the celebrations of Republic Day. It is in fact a three-day show, where on January 27 the best of the cadets of the NCC rally held by the Prime Minister. A wide variety of breathtaking performances and exercises are the highlights.
All major government buildings are beautifully illuminated with lights every night from January 26 to 29. The third day after the feast of the Republic, who is 29, "Beating the Retreat 'ceremony is composed of massed bands marching on popular tunes. Call the drummer follows where the drummers give solo performances. Subsequently, following the bugle, which is characterized by the master tape to walk to the President requesting to take the band on. This marks the end of the closing ceremony of the Republic Day. At 18 hours, the bugles sounded the retreat and the national flag is lowered. With this, the party officially ended Republic are.

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